Proovi oma esimest High Heels tantsutundi!
Heels tantsutunnid algajatele ja kõrgematele tasemetele
High heels dance class is a mixture of proper heels technique, feminine movement, sensuality and having fun throughout the whole process. Women have the opportunity to discover their sensual side wearing heels which will already make them feel more attractive.
You will have the opportunity to dance to different songs to broaden your dance vocabulary. In this class we will also work on body movement by doing exercises to learn how to open up our bodies more (chest, hips etc.). We will also include some exercises in the warmup and technical part of the lesson to increase flexibility and control of the body.
This class is a great way to increase the confidence and learn how to switch your weight while dancing on heels. One class includes four parts: 15 min warm up, 15 min High Heels dance techniques, 1h learning choreography, 15 min stretching.
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Proovi oma esimest High Heels trenni meiega ning hiljem oled oodatud meie regulaarsele kursusele.
Proovitrenn 1h30m High Heels algajatele maksab 10€. Proovitrenn kõrgematele tasemetele 10€
1 trenn (1h30min) maksab 18€
Kahekuine tantsupakett maksab 109€ (95€ noortele ≤26). Pakett sisaldab 13 tundi tantsimist ja kehtib 60 päeva.
Lisaks on võimalus valida tantsucoinide pakett, millega saab käia stuudio erinevates tantsutrennides ja osaleda üritustel!
Lisaküsimuste puhul palun saada meile DM või kirjuta